8 Apr 2012

Fighting an Urge

Today we have an old trick we have retuned to that gets Baby F to fall asleep.  Cuddle with her, she loves the body heat.  This fancy technique worked for the first 3 weeks and all of a sudden stopped working.  My hubby took care of F this morning while I caught up on some much needed sleep.  When I woke up, he shared his experience with me that happens to me more often than not.  After struggling for 30 mins he finally succeeded to have F fall asleep cuddled up on his chest.  YEAY a sleeping baby!  There was only one problem, hubby now needs to pee - badly.  However the thought of risking waking his sleeping baby was not an option!  My hubby, like a good father, chose to fight it!  He eventually fell asleep himself only to dream he was taking a leak.  He woke up with a vivid fear of having soiled himself and our couch - luckily it was just a dream.  Once awake, my good hubby fought the urge to pee for another 20 mins until baby F woke up on her own terms and a rested Mummy was able to take over.

1 comment:

  1. We pretty much learned that you can do anything while wearing the baby - even go to the bathroom. I drew the line when Denis wanted to BBQ....



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