28 May 2012

23 May 2012

Time to Relax

I seem to be very confused.  I'm such a YES person but when someone offers me help, I say NO.  What is wrong with me?!  Why am I so bad at asking for help?!  I'm a new parent baby F is only one three months old, clearly I need help!  Parenting is the hardest thing I've ever done!  Nonetheless, I'm happy to do nice things for other people and I forget to take care of myself.  As discussed in previous post, I need to take care of MYSELF first.  If I don't take care of me, then I can't take care of my family!

I need to work on relaxing, here is some inspiration:

15 May 2012

YES and NO

One thing that I am trying desperately to learn how to do is to say no.  I'm a "yes" kinda person.  When friends and family ask me to go for coffee, a beer, shopping, a run you name it, I say YES, YES, YES!  Hook a sister up!!!  So, I go, and I "try" and do it; I try and do it "all".  The one thing I seem to keep forgetting is that now I have a baby and this baby takes up a boat load of time, energy etc (insert adjective of your choice here).  I can go for my coffee or beer but I also need and want to take care of baby F.  When I say yes too often I'm actual kicking myself in the teeth!  I am the one who ends up paying for it when I get too run down and crazy over tired!  So for right now, I need to say NO and I need to take care of my baby.

I clearly need to purchase a t-shirt with the following on the front.

11 May 2012

Before & After Shots

Here are some of my favs, that are too cute but if you want a good laugh, check out this post by the Pregnant Chicken, again this women is genius!
via Pinterest

10 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Here is a little card I get a kick out of.
via www.coolmompicks.com

All Jokes aside, this year Mother's day has a whole new meaning.

Happy Mother's to all your Mothers out there!  I hope you kick back and enjoy your weekend, put someone else to work for a change;)

9 May 2012

7 May 2012

Stop Crying Class

Pre-baby I signed up for the breastfeeding class, the pre-natal class, and I even checked out the hospital to see where I was going to deliver.

What wasn't offered to me however and what I would have found very useful would have a been a "get baby to stop crying class."  Why don't they offer a course on getting your kid to stop crying?

This video really helped me:

4 May 2012

Hurray Friday

TGIF! Weekend is almost here which means Daddy is home!
For my hubby who handles his bussiness xo.

Just because you can have a kid alone, doesn't make it a good idea! ~ Chris Rock

3 May 2012

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